
The "hood"

day 4 in Mo.
training: bonus/ Pt. 2

The Power of Unity,
I continue to be amazed by the brother and sister "hood" whenever people of like minds gather together, all through history this has been the case. The most amazing human and spiritual revivals have been ignited through the gather of people passionate about a similar goal or drive. Likewise there have been just as many negative effect these "hood" gathering have ignited within human history. There is innately a power that exists in these kinds of gatherings. Just some thoughts tonight.

Remember: Folks this is the time that we have to practice not using those key words that our off limits in all our online interactions :)


Thanks Mom, I guess . . .

So this is just a highlight of today!

Theme of today: Field Trip Day; always a blast!

Destination: Slinky's Action Zone in Altoona, Pa. Imagine a hamster maze (then elevate it and add more mesh, ropes and bridges, oh and a ball pool) and chucky cheese, then you about have the idea.

Setting: In the "lap of luxury" van with 12 kids and 2 teachers

So the kids are chatting and trying to get trucks to honk their horns. Kelly and I are in the front talking about something, trying to tune them out. One of the kids says something like "Stop your gonna break the window" then "Fine, but I ain't gonna be responsible!" TO which one of the teachers (mwah) says its " It is am not not ain't", to which the other teacher (Kelly) says "but it's ok to break the window, just say it correctly." To which we both just cracked up laughing crazily!

This habit of correcting speech is directly traced back to my mother, the speech teacher! I herd the other comment, sorta, but the ain't was a glaring problem and really needed correction (LOL)!


Number 1: a fine place to start

Here we go this is the first in this new form of communication! Its one more step into the delightful unknown. I am excited about all that will be discussed and contemplated and shared on this in the coming months . . . here's one more new beginning!