
living a wet ground life

it was about 4:30 this morning and i was awakened by pounding wind. dogs were howling and lighning lit up the sky in front of me. i did not know weather like this happend here. it reminded me of storms back home, minus the deafening thunder (so glad of that). as i sat on the pourch enjoying the wind and the lightning, the rain began to fall, filling the potholes on the street and wetting the ground around me.

there is a common practice here to wet the ground in the morning, i guess to keep the dust down. in the end in ends up packing the dirt more and more. so then when water falls from above like last night it just sits on the road. i was thinking about that this morning. what areas of life am i packed and hard, what areas do i need water to saturate and make soft again?

a friend of mine here has a wonderful way with words. i often put him in the position, by my free expressing, to tell me to "quit whining". he usually frames it in a kind way such as "when you let your disappointment run for too long and start to dictate your mood and what comes out of your mouth- it's whining". this is so true. the hardness in my heart, a lack of child-like faith and trust.


Anonymous said...

Hello! You have a very good blog. I like to visit it.

Anonymous said...

i miss you my friend i wrote another blob on your blog....my info is on that so please email me when you can...i read in the email you sent that you will be comming home...i hope i get to see you...my dad asked about you the other day....

love henny

Anonymous said...

i miss you my friend i wrote another blob on your blog....my info is on that so please email me when you can...i read in the email you sent that you will be comming home...i hope i get to see you...my dad asked about you the other day....

love henny